My wife’s true character would be exposed that night during a casual meal with her best friend. You won’t believe the vengeance I devised after overhearing her say the most horrible things about my wife. There was no way this lady could ever deceive the ones I care about unless I punished her.

Hi, I’m Jake. Meg is the love of my life; we’ve been married for almost five years. Infertility has been one of many challenges that we have overcome as a couple.

Bethany, who is both our maid of honor and Meg’s best friend, joined us for dinner about a month ago. Laughter and catching up were the order of the evening, so everything was going swimmingly.

I eventually leaned over to Meg and suggested that we go out shortly as the night progressed. We must remain faithful to our treatment plan.

Meg smiled slightly and nodded. “I agree with you. Let us bid each other farewell.

“Apologies for the brevity, but we have an early appointment tomorrow,” we told our friends as we left. We thought the evening had ended well when Bethany and the others bid us farewell with enthusiastic waves, and we departed from the restaurant. It was only the beginning, I didn’t realize it then.

I then remembered that I had left my phone at the eatery, so we departed. “Oh no, I misplaced my phone,” I exclaimed, anxiously searching my pockets for it.

Concerned, Meg gazed at me. “Do you want me to go with you?”

It was a no-go for me. You may continue on your way home. I will be brief.

My phone was on the table when I returned to the restaurant in a rush. I happened to overhear Bethany chatting with another buddy right when I went to retrieve it.

“Oh gosh, did you see Meg?” A snarl escaped Bethany’s lips. She’s absolutely pitiful! To what end is she wishing? As soon as I wink at Jake, he’ll probably be scurrying over to me. I could promise him a healthy child, at least. She’s simply not fertile.

My mouth dropped open. Her statement is perplexing. This wicked woman is not worth trading Meg for. To be honest, I was on the verge of losing it at that moment. I opted for a more severe admonition for Bethany instead. I therefore devised a strategy.

When we all gathered again, I made an effort to be particularly kind to Bethany. “Hey Bethany, you look absolutely stunning tonight,” I said her with a smiling face.

She evidently relished the attention, as she laughed. Joe, I’m grateful. No matter what, you have a knack of making every woman feel unique.

Her jokes made me giggle, and I even began contacting her from time to time. After seeing this, I thought of you, Bethany, and I sent you a note with a humorous meme attached.

She began flirting with me immediately after I told her I wanted her to believe she was winning me over. Jake, you are incredibly kind. She then suggested that they spend more time together.

Pretending to be swayed by her charisma, I went along with the game.

I increased the intensity during the following weeks. I made an effort to pay extra attention to Bethany when we were out with friends and wrote her heartfelt notes.

While laughing out loud at one of Bethany’s stories one night, I told her, “You always have the best stories.”

Evidently relishing the limelight, she grinned. Is that your opinion, Jake? Perhaps I really have a natural talent for it.

At the same time, Meg was completely confused, and I was reluctant to tell her about Bethany’s harsh comments for fear of hurting her. “How is Bethany doing?” she would quench my thirst for information. She has been absolutely beaming as of late.

“Yeah, she’s been in a good mood,” I’d pat her on the back and affirm. “Must be everyone’s attention.”

While laughing out loud at one of Bethany’s stories one night, I told her, “You always have the best stories.”

Evidently relishing the limelight, she grinned. Is that your opinion, Jake? Perhaps I really have a natural talent for it.

At the same time, Meg was completely confused, and I was reluctant to tell her about Bethany’s harsh comments for fear of hurting her. “How is Bethany doing?” she would quench my thirst for information. She has been absolutely beaming as of late.

“Yeah, she’s been in a good mood,” I’d pat her on the back and affirm. “Must be everyone’s attention.”

How about we get coffee together sometime, Jake? All by ourselves,” she wrote in a text message.

I nodded in agreement, realizing that this was the ideal moment to reveal the shocking news. “Of course, Bethany. What do you think about meeting at that downtown coffee shop on Friday? In response, I spoke up.

She was quite chatty and smiling when we first met. “Hey Jake,” she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with laughter. “I’m so glad you could make it.”

Yes, Bethany, of course. It’s been something I’ve been anticipating, I told her with a nice smile.

I pretended to be even more enamoured with her during our coffee date so she would think she had me completely won over. “I must admit, Bethany, you have been on my mind quite a bit recently,” I whispered, hunching over just a little.

She seemed happy, as she reddened. “Oh genuinely? She questioned, “What have you been thinking?” as she twirled a lock of hair around her finger.

“You are just fantastic. I said, “It’s so much fun to be in your company.” I watched as she absorbed the praises.

Bethany began to hint at a potential future together as the weeks passed. “Jake, you should find a partner who can fulfill all your desires,” she eventually said.

It had to be escalated, I thought. I pretended to ask her to a nice restaurant for supper so that we could talk about our “relationship” in more detail. “A special meal is in order, Bethany. “I want to talk about us,” I responded, my voice serious.

Clearly anticipating a momentous occasion, she arrived decked up in her finest. She gushed, “Jake, you look amazing!” as her anticipation grew.

As soon as we took our seats, I started my usual practice of praising her. “You look stunning tonight, Bethany,” I pointed out.

Jake, I’m grateful to you, she said.

I then dropped the bombshell as she appeared to be reveling in her victory. “Remember that time at the restaurant, Bethany, when you made those comments about Meg? Do you remember?” Regarding the fact that she is pitiful and impotent? Leaning in closer, I inquired.

Her cheeks turned white. “What are you talking about, Jake?”

“I listened carefully to all that you said,” I went on. You spoke ill of my beloved wife behind her back; I love her. You expected me to be swayed by your haughty, condescending behavior? It’s not true. You are so hypocritical and harsh; I would never give Meg to you.

A look of amazement transformed into wrath on Bethany’s face. “You played me?”

“Indeed, I did,” I remarked, cocking my head to one side with a puzzled expression. At last, the world will see you for who you truly are. Seeing Meg will be the last time. I will guarantee it.

“You… you’re a monster!” she shouted, her wrath visible in her fiery eyes.

No way, Bethany. So are you,” I responded serenely. “And now, you’ll face the consequences of your actions.”

Feeling ashamed and enraged, Bethany swung out of the eatery.

I went back to my house and saw Meg, who had been there the whole time. Her expression turned worried as she inquired, “How did it go?”

“More so than I had anticipated,” I responded, encircling her in an embrace. “She’s not going to bother us anymore.”

We were more closer after our lengthy discussion about what transpired. The fact that my wife had to deal with such betrayal, nevertheless, pained.

As I cradled Meg in my arms, I whispered, “I’m sorry all this happened to you.

No, Jake, it is not your fault. She grinned up at me and said, “I’m simply glad we handled it together.”

It was satisfying to see the results. Even though Bethany made an effort to repair her image, news of her actions and words traveled rapidly. Her social circle dropped considerably, and she lost a lot of acquaintances. Occasionally, Meg would say, “She got what she deserved,” her voice carrying an air of fulfilment.

“Indeed, she did,” I concurred. “And we’re stronger than ever because of it.”

Joined hands, Meg and I pressed on, our bond unbreakable. We were confident in our ability to conquer any obstacle that stood in our way. Is this the takeaway? Keep the people I care about safe. Especially in the most inopportune moments, karma may and will catch up with you.

I appreciate everyone taking the time to read this. Never give up to cruelty; instead, be strong and defend those you care about.

After learning that her soon-to-be husband was having an affair with her closest friend, Megan did something that would shock anyone who believed it was a cold-blooded vengeance plot. Just when things seemed to be getting better, she received an invitation to their wedding—but she had ulterior motives that would dampen their joy.

The events and characters depicted in this work are based on real persons and events, however they have been fictionalized for artistic reasons. For the sake of privacy and to improve the story, names, characters, and details have been changed. It is entirely coincidental and not the author’s intention for there to be any similarity to real people, either living or dead, or real events.

Neither the author nor the publisher swears by the veracity of the events depicted nor the integrity of the characters, and they accept no responsibility for any misunderstandings that may arise. The author and publisher do not endorse the ideas stated in this article, and the reader should not assume that they share them.

By editor

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